Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Tecnologies in our life

Here we have an example of how new technologies impact our daily life. I chose this video from the creators of the iRack parody. This video is a parody of new tecnologies, and how they impact or envolvement in childs of today. Here, this "twelve year old kid", Lorenz is a good example, this kid, as you see (even if it's a parody) is addicted to video games. This one, only by enter in the house of his friend max, need, as soon as he sees video console,he needs to play with it. In the moment he starts to play with the video game, you can see Lorenz's face look like brainless, he get cross-eyed and his tongue sticks his mouth(funny but sad at the same time).If he can't play, he need to lie to Max parent's to continue playing this game.

This kid, or the parody of this kid represents how dangerous and addictive are video games or new technologies to kids or the impact on children today. This parody could have been the same if you change the Xbox for a Blackberry or an Iphone or any of this new technologies. Nowadays kids are very sensitive to this kind of stuff, and they are changing every year. Companies create new games or consoles year after year only to extend this addiction, actually they earn a lot of money with it. Every year we see the new Iphone for example, last december, Apple made the Iphone 4 S, the only things that they changed was the camera, but people still buy it. Another example is, the Call of duty franchise, which created the new Call of duty modern warfare 3, the only thing that they changed, weapons, but kid's will buy it and it costs 70 euros. Those companies use their addiction for their products and to earn more and more money cause we get like Lorenz, braineless when we use them. They incite us to consume their products with "new" things every year. New technologies like this only make us silly. I'm not against progress, but this kind of progress makes me sick, we need to keep our culture and knowledge, but this kind of stuff won't help us, we need to fight against them, or avoid to buy their products.

1 comment:

  1. Well done, Patrick (even though these two paragraphs are much too faulty grammar-wise).
